Tribute Creation. - Journal Order-

2010 January 21

Created by Jackie 14 years ago
I started to build my Tribute to Rose today. The way entries in this journal appear is newest to oldest entry. You will probably want to start at the beginning so things make sense. As for the journal itself, I will be considering it a work in progress and be able to edit it as time moves on and new ideas come to mind. I have to tell you that as journals go, I won't be using this area for that specific purpose. What I want to achieve with this memorial to Rose is something that all who knew and loved her can come here and visit with the memories we have. A true journal is, in my mind, something much more private. Many of my feelings and emotions are just that....private and not something I can share with anyone but Rose. So I will utilize this area as one where I can communicate with you about the site in general. I hope you appreciate the memorial and find comfort in the memories we'll be sharing here. These memories are Rose's Life Story.
